Digitech is a tool designed for small construction companies to simplify operations and reduce administrative overhead. It streamlines processes such as creating proposals, managing products, coordinating projects, tracking time and organizing checklists.

When i started working at Ur in late 2020, i quickly took the role as the only designer working on the product. Throughout the years the product requirements and strategy has developed continuously based on insight and requirements from users. The vision of being a granular full-scale digital solution for everyone working in construction, the target audience has been narrowed down to small companies, where simplicity, quick solutions and mobile has become a bigger priority. Since then i have:
• Made a complete redesign of the application.
• Designed new modules and functionality.
• Established and scaled a design system.
• Designed and developed the landing page.


Project detail page

Proposal detail page

Product module
So far i have successfully redesigned the application, designed new features and implemented a design system. Over the years Digitech has gone from being more of a prototype to a full-scale SaaS solution with paying customers.